Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What I'm Loving - Games

I love teaching and reviewing through games.  Not only do they reinforce team work, but games allow students to gain confidence and establish strategies.  From day one, games are used in my classroom for whole group, small group, and individual practice.
Check out the games I love:
Extra Point is a great beginning of the year review for students.  It allows students to practice counting on and plus one. 
BUMP is the greatest math game!  It teaches good sportsmanship and math facts.
You can find BUMP and Extra Point in my TPT store.  They are wonderful for the beginning of the year and fall games, even though I play them all year with my kiddos.
So, I love math games, but literacy games are just as important in my classroom.  The greatest game EVER....I Have...Who Has...?  Seriously, it is the most adaptable game.  I use it for sight words, book reviews, and most importantly, learning names.
At the beginning of the year, my students and I practice each other's names through I Have...Who Has...?  Once we have mastered each other we move onto staff members.  Even though I teach first grade, I expect my students to be able to greet staff members throughout the building.  I also use this as a means of safety.  If my students do not recognize a staff member they can always ask me who the person is, allowing me to determine if they are a sub, visitor, or need to report to the office.  

What games do you love using with your students?  Check out the links below for other fabulous ideas!


  1. Love the idea of "I Have, Who Has" for staff members! Great idea for introducing my kinders, who are fairly clueless, to all the new staff in the lives!

    Kindergarten A to Z

    1. Hi Becca,

      I am happy that you stopped by. I hope that you try using "I Have...Who Has..." with your kiddos. Let me know if you do.

