Friday, January 24, 2014

Five for Friday - An Organized Classroom

It felt so great to be back with my students this week.  I only got two days with them last week, due to my three days in bed combating yuck!  We had a jam-packed week of learning, but I also had a crazy amount of cleaning and organizing to take care of.  I am hosting a group of first grade teachers from around the district on Monday so tidying-up was in order.  I keep an organized classroom overall, but you all know what it is like before company comes just have to make sure everything is in its place.
Here are five of my favorite organizational pieces that help keep me in order...

1. My Teacher Toolbox

I think this is the most used tool in my entire classroom!

2. Milk Crate Benches

I love the storage they provide.

3. Math Bins and Monthly Tubs

Prepping and storing centers can be such a hassle.  These tubs have changed that for me!  It is so easy to grab activities and put them away now that everything has a home.  All of my literacy centers, author study materials, and content examples are stored in the monthly tubs.  Math materials are organized by overarching categories.  The adorable labels are from That's So Second Grade's TPT store.

4. Daily Drawers

I used file folders for years, but they could never hold everything for the day.  These drawers are my absolute favorite.  They allow me to print for the week and put items in their homes, but they also make it easy to find what a need when I need it.  You can grab the daily labels here.

5. Classroom Library Bins

It has taken a long time to feel like my classroom library is organized and student friendly.  This year, I redid all of the baskets and numbered each book to make it easier for students to return and find books. The time was worth it, as my kiddos use it constantly!

What are your greatest organizational tools?


  1. Clear plastic tubs are the only thing I can think of at this time for organizing, but I love looking at your ideas.

  2. Where did you get your teacher tool box

  3. I have the same bins in my library! I never thought to number the books and bins! That is a GENIUS idea! I'm so glad I stopped by your blog today! I've tried so many ways to keep it organized - so simple and so smart!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Friday,
    My Shoe String Life

  4. Organizing has a very special place in my heart! I should own stock in plastic tubs/bins/baskets (in cute colors, of course)! I labeled my classroom library using genre codes on colored garage sale stickers, but the number system sure seems easier and less time consuming. I'm your newest follower!

    :) Ash
    The Rolly Chair

  5. Please check out It is a teacher exchange program in which you meet teachers and send packages. Please feel free to sign up and pass our name along!

