Monday, February 3, 2014

Currently- February

YAY!  I love February!  But where have I been?!  I just realized I haven't blogged in a while.  That needs to change, I have so many wonderful things to share with you!
Here is a quick look at what I am currently up to...

The truths:
I love skiing!  My love started more as a push, but I kept my balance and crossed many finish lines.  I took this love all over the United States and skied with so many incredible athletes.  I still love going fast with snow blowing past me.
I am a lefty!  This world was not made for us, but I do my best to embrace it daily!

The fib:
I HATE squash!  I love yummy healthy foods, but there is something about squash that I despise!

I am linking up with Farley for her amazing monthly linky!  Be sure to check out what other teachers are currently up to!


  1. I know what you mean about having more time! I always wish there were more hours in a day to get everything done that I want to get done. What kind of puppy do you have? I am a dog lover!

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