It is crazy to me that first graders need to be able to balance equations. Don't get me wrong...understanding the equal sign is vital; so is fact fluency. Due to the fact that fact fluency is even a struggle, I knew my kiddos were going to need of as much practice with balancing equations as possible. Specifically, CCSS 1.OA.D.7.
We did several lessons experimenting with an Equabeam (math balance). If you are not familiar with this amazing tool, I highly recomend it. It allows students to build and balance number sentences.
After practicing as a class, students practice their skills with Balanced Equation Memory and SCOOT.
I am always so proud of my kiddos when they go and get tools because they know exactly what helps them.
Throughout the lessons, I saw a lot of growth with equation and equal sign knowledge, but they still need more practice. Lucky for them, it is a center this week.
All of the activities that I mentioned above can be found in Find the Balance.
What is a difficult math standard for your kiddos to master?

The Equabeam does look awesome! I can't even imaging trying to be the person that came up with the idea... Thanks for the hot tip!
Definitely!! It is the greatest tool ever! I used it a ton with my fifth graders and now with my firsties!