Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Currently - January

Where did 2013 go?!?!  It was an amazing year, and as I sit here and cuddle with my pup, I know 2014 is going to rock!
Before, I get ready to cheer on my Spartans (Go GREEN!), I am linking up with Farley for her monthly Currently.

What are you currently up to?


  1. I am SO with you on the laundry!!! We just got back from vacation and I have piles and piles to do - don't mind the washing - HATE the putting away. We're in a wind chill warning up here in Ontario with temperatures below minus 30, so I'm spending the day snuggling on the couch, too ... procrastinating those laundry piles. ;) Happy 2014!

    Runde's Room

  2. We have had some gloomy Washington weather this week. West Coast winters are grey not white.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Gloomy weather definitely equals sweats on the couch! It's snowy in Syracuse (shocking!).
    Cute blog! Glad I found you :-)
    Fun and Fearless in First

  4. I'm with you on the lesson plans, I really need to get on that!! And don't' mention laundry, I have 2 baskets full to the brim that needs to be folded!! That's what takes me so long in the morning!!

    The Daily Alphabet

  5. Ha! I love this weather! New Girl is my favorite!
    Chickadee Jubilee
