In hopes of kicking this cold in the butt and getting ourselves back on a healthy road, I whipped up some fast chicken soup. It is a winter favorite and always helps to get us back on our feet.
Here is my take on an original favorite:
Heat olive oil in a large stock pot. Add several cloves of garlic. We LOVE garlic, so I use around 5.
Add chopped celery and carrots. I usually use a handful of celery stalks and 3 carrots. Allow these veggies to saute for about 4 minutes. I also add 1/2 of a jalapeno at this time.
Pour in 2 cartons of chicken broth.
Add half an onion and allow everything to come to a boil.Turn down the heat, bringing the soup to a simmer. Add meat from a rotisserie chicken. Allow the whole mixture to simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. Make sure to let it cool before diving in!
I love adding pastina (tiny pasta) to my chicken soup once it is done cooking. ENJOY!!!
What is your go-to cold care?

Looks yummy! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!!
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings