Saturday, November 2, 2013


I survived conferences and am ready to start report cards (yeah right!)!  I did make it through conferences, with only a couple no shows this week.  So now, I need to start Monday by tracking down the families that didn't show.  I make it a point to meet with every family, even if that means a home visit.  And, reports cards are around the corner...ekkk!
Here is what is CURRENTLY happening...

It is definitely hot chocolate weather in Oregon!  I love the yummy drink, but honestly the marshmallows are my favorite part.  I found this recipe for honey lavender marshmallows and can't wait to whip up a batch.

What are you currently up to?

Be sure to swing over the Farley's blog to see what other teachers have to say.


  1. Your blog design is very cute! Love the colors! :)


  2. Holy Smokes! That marshmallow recipe sounds amazing! I love all your chevron on your blog- its my favorite pattern :)


  3. I just found your blog through Farley's Currently. I love my Keurig too! I'm not sure what I did before it. I am just about to start conferences this week. I am crossing my fingers that all my parents show up. We are supposed to do student-led conferences this year for the first time. So that should be interesting. Good luck with report cards.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  4. I LOVE my Keurig too!! :) Annnd I love marshmallows, so you just may have added a "to-make" to my list! PS. Your blog name is almost like mine!! :) Happy Saturday!

    The Balancing Act I Call Life

  5. A hot cup of cocoa sounds perfect right now on this chilly morning in the midwest! I'm wrapping up my Q1 report cards as we speak...and conferences are around the corner. EEK!
    Best of luck!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  6. Found you through Farley and have to DEFINITELY agree with your "loving" section, your blog design is super cute!!

    Elementary My Dear

  7. I am going to have to try out those Think Thin protein bars! Your blog looks great:).
