Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday Sanity Saver: Workshop Organization

This weekend was incredible!  I had the privilege of sharing my passion for Readers' Workshop with other educators at the Oregon Reading Association's Winter Institute.  I presented on tips for managing an engaging Readers' Workshop.
One of the most important parts of this, is organization.  As teachers we know that organization is the foundation to all of our teaching.  Without it many of us are lost.  For that reason, I wanted to share with you the organizer that I use when planning out my Workshop overview each week.  This does not replace my lesson plans.  This overview is my plans for my workshop each week.  Just like my lesson plans it may change, but I love that I can record notes and observations on it, which I revisit daily.

This planner can easily be used with writing and math as well.  I hope this saves you a little bit of sanity as we enter a crazy week.

What do you use to keep all of your groups and conferences organized?  Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.

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