Friday, August 21, 2015

Five for Friday - August 21, 2015

It has been way too long since I have linked up with Doodle Bugs for a Five for Friday.  I am so excited to be back!
This week was filled with baby time and well more baby time.  I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around being on maternity leave.  It has become confusing seeing everyone get ready for the school year while I know that I am going to be at home with little man for awhile.
Here are 5 highlights from my week:

Little man is starting to smile and recognize so much.  It is so incredible to watch his development happen before my eyes.

I picked up some new goodies from my favorite online boutique, Paizlee.  Be sure to follow along the next few weeks; I have a fabulous giveaway with them coming up.

I have been on the hunt for these Mr. Sketch markers.  I have a crazy love for smelly markers and these are a must for my classroom.  I keep seeing that people have found them at Target, but no such luck here.

Another search has been for these mini InkJoy pens.  I don't know what the deal is with these pens, but they are inexpensive and write perfectly.  These minis would be perfect to throw in my purse/diaper bag.  Has anyone found them?

I spend a lot of time hanging out on the couch nursing.  I have been searching for a great show to get hooked on and I think I found it.  Have you watched Suits?  It is addicting and very well written.  Donna is the best!  I am always looking for a great show to binge watch, any suggestions?

How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. I love those pens! They honestly are the best. I think I would lose the minis though since I have a hard enough time keeping track of where my regular sized pens are!

    Teaching Voracious Learners
