Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Made It and a New Center Activity

I am so grateful to be teaching summer school.  I know that I should be resting and regaining my life balance, but this girl can't sit still.  Our summer school is being funded through an incredible grant that my colleague wrote.  You should check out her blog documenting her daughter's language acquisition, it is super interesting.
The focus of our summer program is to "Jump Start" literacy skills for our kindergartners going into first grade.  Due to the fact that our class sizes hit a record high this year, too many of our students' individual needs are not being met.  We wanted to create a way to support our youngest students to hopefully enhance the beginning of their educational careers.
My group of kiddos have mastered their letter names and sounds.  Therefore, I will be focusing on sight words and basic sentences.  This is where my Monday Made It comes in...Sandwich Sentences!  I found these incredible coasters at Dollar Tree a few weeks back, and knew I had to pick them up; I just wasn't sure how I was going to use them at first.
I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out sentence options.  

This is the scaffolded set, which provides my struggling students with sentence options.
I created 2 versions of Sandwich Sentences: the first is very scaffolded for my struggling writers; while the second allows them to pick and choose components to create their complete "sandwich." I cannot wait to get out the white boards and allow my students to practice their sentence writing skills.  If all goes well with this activity, I will create a TPT product with cards and recording sheets to share with everyone.  Make sure to check back for updates!
I wrote the different parts of speech, on the back of each sandwich piece,
that students will have to use in order to make a complete "sandwich."
I am linking up for the FIRST time, with 4th Grade Frolics, and so excited about it!
I am in love with the final product and can't wait to use this activity with my summer school kiddos!
Also, this activity has allowed me to reuse a couple of my IPSY envelopes I just can't part with. 

Happy Creating!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea - the kids will get a kick out of the coasters. Thanks for sharing.

