Students inquired together on the 4 main adaptations of penguins. We used the National Geographic Kids series to read and discuss. Students used the captions to document their learning of the adaptations.
We then went deeper with the topic of blubber. Students participated in a whole group Close Read. You can grab a copy of the Close Read I wrote here. This broke down the importance of blubber.
With our background knowledge flowing, we dove into our Blubber Gloves (How to make a Blubber Glove below).
Students placed Vaseline on one hand and placed it in the icy water. This simulated the temperature and the oils on a penguin's feathers. Students then placed the other hand in the Blubber Glove, thus experiencing how blubber keeps the animal warm in such drastic weather.
How to make a Blubber Glove:
You need 2 large ziplock bags, duct tape, crisco, and a spoon.
Begin by, scooping large amounts of crisco into one of the ziplock bags.
Next, place the second ziplock bag into the bag filled with crisco. Then, fold over the top and secure with duct tape.
Finally, move the crisco around the glove balancing it out among the sides and bottom.
What is your favorite inquiry project you have done with your students?

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